Territory - 50 sq. km.
Number of inhabitants - 105 184
Density of residents - 1 926, 6 per 1 sq. km/persons
Working age population - 61, 4% of all the residents of the city
Number of persons in labour market - 43 600
Occupation level - 71,4 %
GDP in Panevėžys County - 2105, 5 mln. Eur
Direct Foreign Investments- 246, 05 mln. Eur
Number of functioning companies - 3 328
The Dominant Industry Sectors in accordance to the Number of Companies:
Wholesale and retail trade - 27,6 %
Processing industry - 9,5 %
Transport and storage - 8,6 %
Constructions - 5,7 %
Real estate operations- 3,8%
The Dominant Industry Sectors in accordance to the Annual Turnover:
Wholesale and retail trade - 44,3 %
Processing industry - 27,6 %
Constructions - 9,5 %
Transport and storage - 5 %
Real estate and rent - 1 %
The Dominant Indicators of Macroeconomics of Lithuania http://www.investlithuania.com/en/why-invest/facts