A delegation of education representatives from the city of Ogre is visiting Panevėžys
Today, Panevėžys City Municipality welcomed the guests from the city of Ogre (Latvia) – a delegation of heads of educational institutions and education experts. The purpose of the visit is to get acquainted with the activities of Panevėžys educational institutions, gain ideas, discuss opportunities to participate in joint project activities and share good experience.
“International cooperation provides an opportunity to exchange knowledge, find innovative educational solutions and strengthen ties between the Lithuanian and Latvian educational communities. I believe that this experience will be useful for all parties, it will contribute to improving the quality of education and will become a lesson for new joint projects,” says Loreta Masiliūnienė, Advisor to the Mayor of Panevėžys.
Over the past few days, the Latvian delegation has visited the kindergartens “Puriena”, “Jūratė”, Juozas Balčikonis Gymnasium, Panevėžys Primary School, “Vyturys” Progymnasium, Raimundas Sargūnas Sports Gymnasium, Bronius Vaidutis Kutavičius Music School. During the visit, the focus was on the education of talented students, the promotion of their creativity and self-expression, work with children with special needs, non-formal education opportunities, the application of innovative educational tools and the development of sports community.
Today, the guests are visiting the Robotics Centre "RoboLabas" and STEAM open access spaces.
Panevėžys Teachers’ Education Centre is the coordinator of the visit of Latvian delegation in Panevėžys.
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Widiya Puspa
2024.12.27 17:35
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